What Risks Does Your Condo Insurance Cover?

Saturday Sep 21st, 2019

Toronto Condo

Are you oblivious to why you need condo insurance or what it covers? Have you ever wondered if your condo association is responsible for your condo insurance? If you don’t own a condo but are a tenant, have you ever given a second though to renter’s insurance? Not everyone is aware of condo insurance, which is why we wish to help you comprehend your condo insurance policy, so that whenever you want to invest in a Toronto Condo, you know what risks you are covered to. However,... [read more]

Dealing With Problematic Tenants

Wednesday Apr 28th, 2021

Toronto Condo Tenants

One of the significant incentives that a condo has is that they can rent out their condo to earn extra income. Selling Toronto condos is becoming an extremely popular source of investment. This is so because after buying a condo, its owners can generally rent it to whoever they want and at whatever they wish to without any interference from a condo association board. Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corp how Toronto condos for sale and lofts for sale in Toronto are changing the trends at a... [read more]



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